Thursday, December 13, 2012

.over the weekend

We had an eventful weekend.  After the Hubs got off work Friday night we headed up to Idaho Falls.  Saturday was my birthday.  JP and I went to a craft fair thing with my sister in law.  Her good friend was dressed up as Mrs. Claus and she was helping kids frost and decorate cookies. He seriously loved it! 
So cute right!  Love the squinty eye!
That afternoon the Hubs and I went on a hot date.  We finally did our Christmas shopping for our little man at Toys R Us.  He was seriously like a little kid in there.  He was loving all of the toys and was way impressed with how much they've changed since he was little!  After that we headed to the mall to do a little shopping for ourselves.  I got a sweet pair of boots for the winter!!  Then we went to dinner and a movie.  We ate at Johnny Carinos.  That was a first for me.  It was good, just not my fave.  We went and saw Playing for Keeps with Jessica Biel.  I liked it, the Hubs was bored.  Sadly I didn't snap any pictures. 
 The next day the in laws had a little Christmas Party.  We went on a sleigh ride.  All the kids got to drive the cool horses.  JP fell asleep while driving...nice!  IT WAS FREEZING!!!  

After we went back to the house, SANTA came!!  He brought each of the kids a harmonica.  THe kids loved it.  He would not sit on Santa's lap so I had to hold him.  He told Santa he has been a good boy and asked him for a moon for his room!! 
JP is obsessed with Santa but scared at the same time.  It's awesome! 
On Monday we finally decorated our home and put up our little tiny tree.
Decorating the tree and watching Elf!
I even decorated out little plant!  I love it!  It totally made my Christmas!
This is my favorite decoration.

Christmas Cards.
Then JP wrote his letter to Santa.
So Cute!
 and...the tree didn't even make it 24 hours!  Awesome!!
Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

.lovely day

Ever since the Hubs started his job, I have been on such a lame schedule.  I get up with him in the morning and make him breakfast and a lunch to take.  Then I get back in bed and cuddle with the babe.  I can't help it.  He's so precious when he's sleeping. That being said...the babe and I have some late nights because his (and my own) sleeping schedule is so off.

Today, we ran a couple of errands around town.  I let JP pick out what he wanted to wear.  He brought me every pj set in his drawer. He insisted on his spider man top.  He's so fun!  He recently learned how to flick.  He flicks everything!!  It's so cute because he flicks with his ring finger! I'll have to snap some pictures of it to add later. 

I started a new project today.  It seems like I constantly have millions going on at once and I usually end up forgetting about some of them.  I wanted to start our blurb book and I couldn't find the picture I wanted to use as JP's cover, so I pulled out the box of the cds with our pictures, and I've been transferring them to our hard drive.  It is insane how many pictures we've accumulated in the 6 years we've know each other!!  It's been a blast looking back.  I should join in on the "Flashback Friday"  is that even what it is?

Here are a couple that I love.

 Visiting him at work when we were engaged!
 That time he got my legs stuck in mt shorts.
 On our way home from Hawaii!  Photo bomb...

 Our First Christmas Eve!
 Love them!
 Chels is the best. Everyone thought we were so weird!!
 Great Friends!!
Love my dad and sister!
 First time voting!!
 This is for you Blaire!
Love him!

There were seriously so many more I want to add!!  Will do later!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

.the rumors

The rumors are true!! We moved to Idaho.  The Hubs got a job offer in Pocatello. So far everything is going really well! We've been here for about 3 weeks now and for now I've been able to stay with JP. Speacking of him, he's adjusted so great too! We had been here for about 3 days when he looked up at us and said "home?"... my heart was broken as we explained to him that this is our new home. He totally understood and now, when we are down the street from our new home, he yells out "home!" I want to give a special THANK YOU to all of our family and friends who helped with the move. You guys have no idea how much it helped me. Moving away from my family has been hard on me, but with everyone around me being so supportive, it really helps! Thank you guys!